Please contact the Information Technology team via email at or by stopping by the computer lab on the third floor of the law library.
The easiest method to obtain assistance when normal hours are not possible is to email the I.T. staff at to arrange an appointment. All of the staff are responsive to the special circumstances that are presented to students engaged in practice court, team competitions, etc.
No. A limited number of laptops may be available if the student has contacted IT before the deadline to allow IT to repair the problem with the student's laptop.
To install PawPrints on your personal laptop. visit: Paw Print & Printing Resources
When you print a document, you're creating a spool file on the PawPrints print server. The size of a spool file can often be exponentially larger than the original document!
Rather than setting a size limit on the original document, PawPrints' size limit applies to the spool file created on the server since that's the file the printer receives. If a spool file is larger than 500MB for B&W and 800MB for color, the print job is denied.
Hint: printing fewer pages at a time will reduce the size of your print job.
Print jobs sent to a color printer will automatically charge 4 times the standard amount. For example, a 5-page document costs 20 pages.
Most of the Law School printers are on the 1st-floor. Law-Circulation A and B are on the circulation bar. Law-Stude-Lounge and Lexis A are across from the circulation desk. Law-Student-Lounge-B and another Lexis are in the Reserve Area on the 1st floor. Law-2nd-CopyRoom-B is on the 2nd floor in the room next to the stairs. Law-Computer-Lab is on the 3rd floor behind the IT Helpdesk.
More Information:
Building Hours
Monday - Friday: 8:00am - 5:00pm
Saturday - Sunday: Closed
Holidays: Closed
Sheila & Walter Umphrey Law Center
1114 South University Parks Drive
One Bear Place #97288
Waco, Texas 76798