Past Issues
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Spring 2024
- Emily Cauble, Administering Facts-And-Circumstances-Based Tax Tests, 76 Baylor Law Rev. 249
- Zachary R. Cormier, Actual Malice Originalism: A Press Function Solution To Social Media Concerns, 76 Baylor Law Rev. 303
- Jack Buckley DiSorbo, A Primer On The Texas Business Court, 76 Baylor Law Rev. 360
- David M. Gunn, The Ghost of Texas Supreme Court Fraud Jurisprudence: How Later-In-Time DTPA Decisions Led Courts To Forget the First-In-Time Measure of Damages For Fraud, 76 Baylor Law Rev. 397
- Tiffany Dunkin, Bearing Another's Burden: Why The Supreme Court Still Needs To Revisit Employment Division v. Smith, 76 Baylor Law Rev. 440
- Quinn S. Roberts, Private In Form, Public In Function: Why The U.S. Supreme Court Should Adopt The Nexus Exception To The State Action Doctrine, Baylor Law Review 460
- Olivia J. Schoffstall, Bolstering Judicial Review of RLUIPA Complaints Post-Ramirez v. Collier, Baylor Law Rev. 488
Winter 2023
- Leah Teague, Civility Matters: Why Law School Must Teach Students to Disagree Without Being Disagreeable, 76 Baylor Law Rev. 1
- Erwin Chemerinsky, When Should University Administrators Speak?: Personal Reflections, 76 Baylor Law Rev. 49
- Susan Hanley Duncan, Reviewing Law School Leadership Programs: What Can Business Schools and Social Science Researchers Teach Us?, 76 Baylor Law Rev. 63
- Timothy W. Floyd, Lawyers and Civil Discourse: Respect and Civility as a Matter of Professional Identity, 76 Baylor Law Rev. 90
- Sudha Setty, Free Speech and Civility in Law Schools, 76 Baylor Law Rev. 107
- Kellye Y. Testy and Zachariah J. DeMeola, Leading the Way: The Power of Professional Identity Formation for Lawyers, 76 Baylor Law Rev. 115
- Cooper Bradbury, Running Off the Tracks: The Texas Railroad Commission's Allocation and PSA Permitting Authority, 76 Baylor Law Rev. 156
- Nicholas R. Walter, Defer Your Deference: How Courts Should Approach The Intersection of the Indian Canons of Construction and Chevron Deference, 76 Baylor Law Rev. 194
- Riley Zoch, The Legacy of City of Hutto v. Legacy Hutto, LLC: How a Missing One-Page "Disclosure of Interested Parties" Form Made a Contract Unenforceable, 76 Baylor Law Rev. 213
Fall 2023
- Melvin L. Otey, To Punish or Not to Punish? Juvenile Offenders and Murder in Aid of Racketeering, 75 Baylor Law Rev. 593
- Joseph A. Schremmer, The Concurrent Use of Land for Carbon Sequestration and Mineral Development, 75 Baylor Law Rev. 630
- Chad Squitieri, Recommend...Measures: A Textualist Reformulation of the Major Questions Doctrine, 75 Baylor Law Rev. 706
- Dandee Cabanay, Baking Up A Taking: Why There Is No Categorical Exception to the Fifth Amendment Takings Clause for the Police Power, 75 Baylor Law Rev. 778
- Cole Gimenez, When Should A Public Official's Social Media Censorship Become State Action? Analyzing the Sixth and Ninth Circuits' Recent Split and Where We Should Go From Here, 75 Baylor Law Rev. 808
- Courtney SoRelle, Left Behind: Availability of Special Immigrant Visas For Afghan Translators, 75 Baylor Law Rev. 839
Spring 2023
- John G. Browning, I Feel Your (Livestreamed) Pain: Virtual Bystander Recovery, 75 Baylor Law Rev. 329
- David S. Coale & Ben Taylor, Judgment Rendition in Texas. 75 Baylor Law Rev. 355
- Bernadette Bollas Genetin, Appealable TROs: Restoring Irreparable Harm as the Touchstone for Instant Interlocutory Appeal of Temporary Restraining Orders, 75 Baylor Law Rev. 374
- Blaine L. Hutchison & Bruce N. Cameron, JANUS's Solution for Title VII Religious Objectors, 75 Baylor Law Rev. 479
- Sarah Megan Erb, Independent Agencies: A Constitutional Violation with a Negligible Remedy, 75 Baylor Law Rev. 518
- Connor Kidd, Can Shareholders Really Trust Proxy Statements?: A Negligence Standard for Section 14(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, 75 Baylor Law Rev. 544
- Jacob King, Non-Consensual Third-Party Releases: The Problem or the Solution 75 Baylor Law Rev. 564
Winter 2023
- Calabresi, What McCulloch v. Maryland Got Wrong: The Original Meaning of "Necessary" Is Not "Useful," "Convenient," or "Rational", 75 Baylor Law Review 1 (PDF 1.0 MB)
- Dickinson, Judicial Federalization Doctrine, 75 Baylor Law Review 85 (PDF 596 KB)
- Gordon, Nondelegation Misinformation: A Reply to the Skeptics, 75 Baylor Law Review 152 (PDF 1.2 MB)
- Cruz, The Paradigm Shift in the Proposed Amendment to Federal Rule of Evidence 702, 75 Baylor Law Review 265 (PDF 461 KB)
- Lacy, Retired Judges: No Longer Friends of the Court?, 75 Baylor Law Review 292 (PDF 222 KB)
- Long, Asset Sales Under Texas Law: Defining the Acquisition and Exploring Successor Liability, 75 Baylor Law Review 308 (PDF 392 KB)
Fall 2022
- Brannon P. Denning, IPSE DIXITS, Bootstraps, and Constitutional Doctrine, 74 Baylor Law Rev. 555
- Geoffrey Christopher Rapp, Fraud On The Rankings, 74 Baylor Law Rev. 591
- Lucia A. Silecchia, COVID-19, Visitation and Spiritual Care: Responding to the Silent Suffering of the Isolated in Times of Crisis, 74 Baylor Law Rev. 635
- Andrew Boone, Off-Campus Speech and the Basis of Public-School Authority in Mahanoy v. B.L,74 Baylor Law Rev. 717
- Samuel Pumphrey, The Untested Shield: Piercing the Veil of Nonprofit Corporations, 74 Baylor Law Rev. 753
- Matthew Vitale, Unstoppable Force Meets (Previously) Immovable Object: The Conflict Between Federal Circuit Mandamus and Trial-Court Deference in Patent Litigation, 74 Baylor Law Rev. 784
Spring 2022
- Conklin, I Knew It All Along: The Promising Effectiveness of a Pre-Jury Instruction at Mitigating Hindsight Bias, 74 Baylor Law Review 307 (PDF 344 KB)
- Doernberg, Betraying The Constitution, 74 Baylor Law Review 323 (PDF 905 KB)
- Kastenberg, Reversing a Devolutionary Pathway of Shoddy History Protecting Commander in Chief "Authorities" In The Article I Courts, 74 Baylor Law Review 396 (PDF 940 KB)
- Allen, More Than More Than: Measuring Progress in Texas Special Education Post-Endrew F. v. Douglas County School District, 74 Baylor Law Review 472 (PDF 374 KB)
- Krulish, Defending The De-SPAC Merger: What Standard of Review Applies, 74 Baylor Law Review 531 (PDF 548 KB)
- Patterson, Selective Abortion Provisions: Birth Of A Compelling Interest And The Future Of Abortion Jurisprudence, 74 Baylor Law Review 531 (PDF 433 KB)
Winter 2022
- Lovett, Easements and Change, 74 Baylor Law Review 1 (PDF 832 KB)
- Agar, The Admissibility of Firearms and Toolmarks Expert Testimony in the Shadow of PCAST, 74 Baylor Law Review 93 (PDF 863 KB)
- Trowel, Statutory Interpretation, The First Step Act and Compassionate Release, 74 Baylor Law Review 197 (PDF 289 KB)
- Smith, One Step Forward, Two Steps Back: June Medical Revives The Casey Standard For Abortion Jurisprudence, 74 Baylor Law Review 219 (PDF 381 KB)
- Lutes, Does Sect. 18.001 of the Texas Civil Practice & Remedies Code Apply in Federal Court Under the Erie Doctrine and the Federal Rules of Evidence?, 74 Baylor Law Review 252 (PDF 333 KB)
- Hamilton, The Right to Decide an Attorney is Wrong: The Extent of a Defendant's Right to Control the Objective of the Defense and Reject Counsel's Trial Strategy, 74 Baylor Law Review 285 (PDF 433 KB)
Fall 2021
- Green, The Supreme Court's A Historical Religion Clause Historicism, 73 Baylor Law Rev. 505 (PDF 562 KB)
- Richmond, Appellate Sanctions Against Lawyers, 73 Baylor Law Rev. 562 (PDF 359 KB)
- Pierce, To Remove or Not to Remove - Is That The Question in 1933 Act Securities Cases?, 73 Baylor Law Rev. 596 (PDF 608 KB)
- Atchity, Is Universal Healthcare Really The Death of Medical Expense Awards? The Current and Future State of the Collateral Source Rule, 73 Baylor Law Rev. 642 (PDF 384 KB)
- Krulish, The Fiction of Equitable Interlocutory Jurisdiction, 73 Baylor Law Rev. 679 (PDF 219 KB)
- Renberg, The Texas Two-Step: A Streamlined Application of Governmental Immunity to Contracts in Texas, 73 Baylor Law Rev. 696 (PDF 266 KB)
Spring 2021
- Laughlin, The Efficient Proximate Cause Doctrine - What Is It, and Why Should I Care?, 73 Baylor Law Rev. 311 (PDF 419 KB)
- Hunt, Reforming Student Loan Bankruptcy Procedure, 73 Baylor Law Rev. 355 (PDF 373 KB)
- Snow, Copyright, Obscenity, and Unclean Hands, 73 Baylor Law Rev 386 (PDF 590 KB)
- Anderson, Illegal, Punitive, and Routine: The Unconstitutional of IPRs in Patent Law, 73 Baylor Law Rev. 455 (PDF 186 KB)
- Richardson, The Texas Oilfield Anti-Indemnity Act Versus The Louisiana Oilfield Indemnity Act: How, Whn, and Where Indemnification Provisions Are Void, 73 Baylor Law Rev. 467 (PDF 227 KB)
- Smith, Who Can You Trust? The Scope of An Informal Fiduciary Duty in Texas, 73 Baylor Law Rev. 482 (PDF 277 KB)
Winter 2021
- Leah Teague, Making Progress in Legal Education: Leadership Development Training in Law Schools, 73 Baylor Law Rev. 1 (PDF 635 KB)
- Erwin Chemerinsky, Remembering Deborah Rhode, 73 Baylor Law Rev. 64 (PDF 79 KB)
- Deborah L. Rhode, Leadership in Times of Social Upheaval: Lessons for Lawyers, 73 Baylor Law Rev. 67 (PDF 497 KB)
- April Mara Barton, Teaching Lawyers to Think Like Leaders: The Next Big Shift in Legal Education, 73 Baylor Law Rev. 115 (PDF 305 KB)
- Neil Hamilton, The Major Transitions in Professional Formation and Development from Being a Student to Being a Lawyer Present Opportunities to Benefit the Students and the Law School, 73 Baylor Law Rev. 139 (PDF 692 KB)
- Patrick Bryan, Donald J. Polden, Learning Lawyer Leadership from the Military Profession, 73 Baylor Law Rev. 170 (PDF 319 KB)
- Martin H. Brinkley, Teaching Leadership in American Law Schools: Why the Pushback?, 73 Baylor Law Rev. 194 (PDF 241 KB)
- Lee Fisher, Change at the Speed of Leadership, 73 Baylor Law Rev. 211 (PDF 235 KB)
- Kirk P. Watson, Practical Ground Rules for Leadership, 73 Baylor Law Rev. 224 (PDF 129 KB)
- Hon. Nathan L. Hecht, Beyond Partisanship and Ideology - Access to Justice as Good Government, 73 Baylor Law Rev. 231 (PDF 183 KB)
- George T. Lewis, The Business Case for Pro Bono, 73 Baylor Law Rev. 241 (PDF 189 KB)
- Daniel William Brock Lewis, Justifying Loopholes Through Cooperative Federalism: County of Maui v. Hawaii Wildlife Fund and the Scope of Clean Water Act Federal Jurisdiction for Indirect Groundwater Discharges, 73 Baylor Law Rev. 249 (PDF 238 KB)
- Matthew J. McKinnon, Gilbert Wheeler v. Enbridge Pipelines - The Texas Supreme Court's Attempt to Clarify Damages to Real Property, 73 Baylor Law Rev. 267 (PDF 282 KB)
- Braxton Lewis Wilks, The IRS: Having Its Cake and Eating It Too, 73 Baylor Law Rev. 293 (PDF 221 KB)
Fall 2020
- Jeffrey W. Stempel, Thomas O. Main & David McClure, Snap Removal: Concept; Cause; Cacophony; and Cure, 72 Baylor Law Rev. 423 (PDF 668 KB)
- Tanya E. Karwaki, Establishing a Patient-Physician Relationship: Clarifying Duties and Improving Patient Care, 72 Baylor Law Rev. 507 (PDF 547 KB)
- David F. Johnson, Trips, Traps, and Snares in Appealing a Summary Judgment in Texas, 72 Baylor Law Rev. 564 (PDF 896 KB)
- Cody M. Carter, Filling the Gap Left by SCA Hygiene Prods. Aktiebolag v. First Quality Baby Prods., LLC: The Role of Equitable Estoppel in Patent Law, 72 Baylor Law Rev. 695 (PDF 263 KB)
- Chloe Dixon, An Analysis of Commil: What the Court Failed to Consider, 72 Baylor Law Rev. 721 (PDF 229 KB)
- Ryan Golden, Dazed & Confused: The State of Enforcement of Marijuana Offenses After the Texas Hemp Farming Act, 72 Baylor Law Rev. 737 (PDF 375 KB)
Spring 2020
- Andrew Beckerman-Rodau, Patent Eligible Subject Matter: Protecting the Public Domain, 72 Baylor Law Rev. 233 (PDF 402 KB)
- Ryan M. Seidemann, "Colonizing" the Dead: Former Colonial Nations' Treatment of Indigenous Peoples' Human Remains, 72 Baylor Law Rev. 271 (PDF 272 KB)
- William W. Clayton, Why Public Investors, Private Funds, and State Law, 72 Baylor Law Rev. 294 (PDF 679 KB)
- Tyler Ray Hannusch, Close the Door Behind You: How the Texas Supreme Court Left the Constitutionality of Section 5.014(b) Open in In re Geomet Recycling, 72 Baylor Law Rev. 355 (PDF 181 KB)
- Aaron J. Horner, How Difficult Is It to Challenge Lines on a Map?: Understanding the Boundaries of Good Faith in Abbott v. Perez, 72 Baylor Law Rev. 370 (PDF 219 KB)
- Juan Antonio Solis, Under (Secondary) Pressure: Scabby the Rat's Future Under § 8(b)(4) of the NLRA, 72 Baylor Law Rev. 390 (PDF 324 KB)
Winter 2020
- Maxine D. Goodman, Courts' Failure to Use Religion Experts to Decide Difficult Fact Questions Concerning Who is a Minister for the Ministerial Exception: A Holy Mess, 72 Baylor Law Rev. 1 (PDF 476 KB)
- Michael T. Fatale, Foreign Commerce Clause Discrimination: Revisiting Kraft after Wayfair, 72 Baylor Law Rev. 47 (PDF 714 KB)
- Angela D. Morrison, Why Protect Unauthorized Workers? Imperfect Proxies, Unaccountable Employers, and Antidiscrimination Law's Failures, 72 Baylor Law Rev. 117 (PDF 466 KB)
- Kylie G. Calabrese, Mandamus Madness in the Fifth Circuit: The Aftermath of In re JPMorgan, 72 Baylor Law Rev. 165 (PDF 251 KB)
- Cody Salgado Chapple, Wallowing in Ambiguity: Attorney's Fee Enhancement, Punitive Damages, and Due Process Under Federal and State Law, 72 Baylor Law Rev. 183 (PDF 315 KB)
- Jackson R. Willingham, Fairness, Transparency, and Accountability: Where are They in the Texas Oil and Gas Condemnation Process?, 72 Baylor Law Rev. 212 (PDF 227 KB)
Fall 2019
- Bethany Grace Gingras, Trying To Make Lemonade Out of Lemon v. Kurtzman: A Discussion On The Appropriate Analysis For Monuments In Light of A New Presumption, 71 BAYLOR LAW REV 703 (PDF 270 KB)
- Doris Del Tosto Brogan, Reviving The Intracorporate Communications No-Publication Rule: A Strategy To Encourage Effective Investigation of Internal Misconduct, 71 BAYLOR LAW REV 621 (PDF 492 KB)
- Natalie M. Banta, Electronic Wills and Digital Assets: Reassessing Formality in the Digital Age, 71 BAYLOR LAW REV 548 (PDF 514 KB)
- Ron Beal, Waiver of Governmental Immunity: Agency Contested Case Proceedings and Its Application To Settlements, BAYLOR LAW REV 605 (PDF 242 KB)
- Stephen Carl, Foster Parent Standing and Intervention in CPS Litigation: The History and The Impact of Texas's 2017 Amendment, 71 BAYLOR LAW REV. 674 (PDF 323 KB)
- Will Nilsson, Patently Unworkable: Fixing Patent Venue In The Wake Of TC Heartland and In Re Cray, 71 BAYLOR LAW REV 731 (PDF 250 KB)
Spring 2019
- Amy Waller, Trespass To Try Title Action In Texas: Damages And A Conflict In The Texas Property Code, 71 BAYLOR LAW REV. 529 (PDF 241 KB)
- Juan Antonio Solis, Closing The Door On Fraud Plaintiffs: Carduco's Effect On Claims For Fraudulent Inducement In Texas, 71 BAYLOR LAW REV. 493 (PDF 397 KB)
- Mark D. Siegmund, Paving The Way For Secured Lenders: Why Texas Should Follow Delaware's Series LLC Statutes, 71 BAYLOR LAW REV. 466 (PDF 399 KB)
- Leslie Y. Garfield Tenzer, Social Media, Venue, And The Right To A Fair Trial, 71 BAYLOR LAW REV. 421 (PDF 475 KB)
- Richard E.Flint, Fraud, Letters of Credit, And The Uniform Commercial Code: It Is Time To Untether The Independence Principle, 71 BAYLOR LAW REV. 353 (PDF 593 KB)
- James P. George, Forum Clauses At The Margin, 71 BAYLOR LAW REV. 267 (PDF 718 KB)
Winter 2019
- Christine Manolakas, The Tax Law and Policy of Natural Disasters, 71 BAYLOR LAW REV. 6 (PDF 539 KB)
- Daniel P. Pellegrin, Jr, Micro-Brew, Macro-Fees, 71 Baylor Law Rev. 192 (PDF 282 KB)
- Fraley, Wren and Toben, Was Texas Tort Reform Necessary? An Update on the Judges' View of Jury Verdict Accuracy, 71 Baylor Law Rev. 169 (PDF 324 KB)
- Leah Towe, What's Equitable Adopt Got To Do With It? 71 Baylor Law Rev. 241 (PDF 294 KB)
- Lonny Hoffman and Bret Wells, The Exceptions Prove The rule: Recalibrating The Discovery Rule and Equitable Fraud Exceptions to the Legal Injury Rule, 71 Baylor Law Rev. 72 (PDF 805 KB)
- Madeline Tansey, Death of a Salesman, 71 Baylor Law Rev. 214 (PDF 293 KB)
Fall 2018
- Kyle Stone, An Entity By Any Other Name: Texas Adopts The Distinguishable Upon The Records Name Availability Standard, 70 Baylor Law Rev. 945 (PDF 236 KB)
- Kevin Miller, A Faulty Presumption: How Philadelphia Indemnity Insurance Company v. White Diminishes Tenants' Rights Under The Texas Property Code, Chapter 92, 70 Baylor Law Rev. 918 (PDF 341 KB)
- Brittany Blakey, Ruining Pool Parties: Do Disclaimers of Cross-Conveyance Of Interests In An Oil & Gas Lease's Pooling Provision render A Pooled Unit Invalid Per Se?, 70 Baylor Law Rev. 880 (PDF 370 KB)
- Robert R. Little and Stephen L. Rispoli, The Hearsay Paradox: Declarant-Witnesses' Own Out-Of-Court Statements, 70 Baylor Law Rev. 848 (PDF 386 KB)
- Eric Sirota, Can The First Amendment Save Net Neutrality?, 70 Baylor Law Rev. 788 (PDF 553 KB)
- Lawrence D. Rosenthal, Most-Qualified-Applicant Hiring Policies or Automatic Reassignment For Employees With Disabilities? Still A Conundrum Almost Thirty Years After The Americans With Disabilities Act's Enactment, 70 Baylor Law Rev. 719 (PDF 553 KB)
Spring 2018
- David J. Beck and Alex B. Roberts, Legal Malpractice in Texas, 70 Baylor Law Rev. 217 (PDF 2.3 MB)
- Emeka Duruigbo, Small Tract Owners and Shale Gas Drilling in Texas: Sanctity of Property, Holdout Power or Compulsory Pooling? 70 Baylor Law Rev. 532 (PDF 723 KB)
- Griffin Toronjo Pivateau, J.D. The Prism of Entrepreneurship: Creating a New Lens For Worker Classification, 70 Baylor Law Rev. 596 (PDF 530 KB)
- Jennifer Roan Forgey, Let's Shake On It: Settling With a Municipality When Governmental Immunity Applies, 70 Baylor Law Rev. 638 (PDF 349 KB)
- Chloe Stevens, Raising Constitutional Eyebrows on Private Takings and Due Course of Law: Where Do We Go From Here? 70 Baylor Law Rev. 668 (PDF 266 KB)
- Christina Grey, Remnants of 'Separate, But Equal': What is Wrong with Texas Public School Financing? 70 Baylor Law Rev. 689 (PDF 364 KB)
Winter 2018
- Michelle S. Simon, Hogan vs. Gawker II: A Statutory Solution to Fraudulent Joinder, 70 Baylor Law Rev. 1 (PDF 328 KB)
- Michael Xun Liu, Patent Policy Through Administrative Adjudication, 70 Baylor Law Rev. 43 (PDF 373 KB)
- Jennifer L. Robinson and Stephen L. Nelson, The Small but Powerful Voice in American Elections: A Discussion of Voting Rights Litigation on Behalf of American Indians, 70 Baylor Law Rev. 91 (PDF 408 KB)
- Tim Barham, Class Action Water Crisis: Resolving Flint's New Split Over CAFA's Local Controversy Exception, 70 Baylor L. Rev. 149 (PDF 165 KB)
- Kyle Steingreaber, Mandatory and Jurisdictional: Statutory Prerequisites, Article V Jurisdiction, and Judicial Review in the Texas Workers' Comp Scheme, 70 Baylor Law Rev. 171 (PDF 180 KB)
- Lamisa Imam, With Love, Texas Protects Your Text Messages, 70 Baylor L. Rev. 195 (PDF 123 KB)
Fall 2017
- Closing Consumer Bankruptcy's Enforcement Gap, by Kara Bruce (PDF 299 KB)
- In the New Era of Oil and Gas Royalty Accounting: Drafting a Royalty Clause that Actually Says What the Parties Intend It To Mean, by Byron C. Keeling (PDF 443 KB)
- Course Correction- Data Breach As Invasion Of Privacy, by Jordan Elias (PDF 220 KB)
- When Silence is Not Golden: The Stored Communications Act, Gag Orders, and the First Amendment, by Alex Burke (PDF 153 KB)
- "Go with the Flow?" Should Madonna's Vogue Set the New Normal for Sound Recording Copyright Treatment Nationwide?, By Nicole Manley (PDF 242 KB)
- Family Law Frustrations: Addressing Hague Convention Issues in Federal Courts, by Rachel Koehn (PDF 288 KB)
Spring 2017
- Removing the Mark: What is the Appropriate Test for Courts to Apply When Determining Whether Compensation is a Disguised Dividend?, by Dan Hopper (PDF 346 KB)
- Taking Advantage of Laws, Not People: Curbing Language Discrimination Against Texas Consumers, by Erin Lovejoy (PDF 297 KB)
- Updating Vaccine Law: Restructuring Jacobson v. Massachusetts to Create a Safe Harbor for States, by James Muela (PDF 228 KB)
- Instant Replay and Interlocutory Appeals, by Kenneth K. Kilbert (PDF 541 KB)
- Supreme Court Strips States of Their Power Over the World's Second Most Important Technology, by Steven Ferrey (PDF 604 KB)
- Conspiracy: Has Joint and Several Liability Been Supplanted By Proportionate Responsibility?, by Lyndon Bittle (PDF 369 KB)
Winter 2017
- The Briseño Factors: How Literary Guidance Outsteps the Bounds of Atkins in the Post-Hall Landscape, by Hannah Brewer (PDF 286 KB)
- "A Deposition Is Not a Take Home Examination": Resolving the Ambiguity of Texas Rule of Civil Procedure 203.1, by Julie James (PDF 252 KB)
- Will Simon Tam and The Slants Bring an End to the Disparagement Provision Within Section 2(A) of the Lanham Act? One Rock Band's Fight for Free Speech, by Elizabeth Brabb (PDF 245 KB)
- Retooling the Patent-Antitrust Intersection: Insights from Behavioral Economics, by Daryl Lim (PDF 661 KB)
- Patent Post-Grant Review After Alice, by Jonathan Stroud (PDF 1.1 MB)
- Authenticating Digital Evidence, by Hon. Paul W. Grimm, Daniel J. Capra, Gregory P. Joseph (PDF 558 KB)
Fall 2016
- Against the Rule of Judges, by Judge Thomas M. Reavley, Ryan S. Killian (PDF 314 KB)
- The Aftermath of Indiana v. Edwards Re-Evaluating the Standard of Competency Needed for Pro Se Representation, by Todd A. Berger (PDF 481 KB)
- Not So Friendly to Frenville The Split Among Courts Regarding Accrual of Claims in Bankruptcy, by Theresa J. Pulley Radwan (PDF 418 KB)
- The Evolving Legacy of EEA v. Day: Toward an Effective State Water Plan, by Marvin M. Jones and C. Brantley Jones (PDF 367 KB)
- Ubi Jus Ibi Remedium: The Gap in Texas Courts' Protection of Mineral Owners Against Unpermitted Seismic Exploration Without Physical Entry by Davis Mosmeyer, (PDF 243 KB)
- Unclaimed Life Insurance Proceeds and the Duty to Search: Who Is the True Beneficiary?, by Alyca Riley (PDF 274 KB)
- Am I Welcome Here? Getting Into Federal Court to Confirm or Vacate an Arbitration Award, by Kyle S. Beckrich (PDF 225 KB)
Spring 2016
- Collective Corporate Knowledge and the Federal False Claims Act, by Sam F. Halabi (PDF 620 KB)
- Strategic Shareholder and Member Voting Agreements Under Texas Business Entity Law, by Val Ricks (PDF 566 KB)
- The Practitioner's Guide to Properly Taking and Defending Depositions Under the Texas Discovery Rules, by Robert K. Wise and Kennon L. Wooten (PDF 1.7 MB)
- Whose Harm Is It Anyway?--The Feasibility of Direct Claims by Minority Shareholders Following Cash-Out Mergers in Texas Corporations, by JP Haskins (PDF 362 KB)
- The False Claims Act: A Circuit Split Based Upon the Interpretation of "Based Upon", by Timothy P. Ribelin (PDF 294 KB)
- Texas Courts Should Reduce a Plaintiff's Responsibility Before Applying the Noneconomic Damage Cap, by Monica Litle (PDF 252 KB)
Winter 2016
- Allocation Wells, Unauthorized Pooling, and the Lessor's Remedies, by Brett Wells (PDF 526 KB)
- The Value of a Standard Versus the Value of Standardization, by J. Gregory Sidak (PDF 465 KB)
- Resolving the Quandary of Conflicting, Mandatory-Venue Statutes in Texas, by James E. Wren & Cody L. Hill (PDF 766 KB)
- Navigating the Legal Quagmire of Offering a Will for Probate After the Statutory Four-Year Period, by Taylor Whitlow (PDF 146 KB)
- Innocence of Cindy Lee Garcia: Why a Copyright Claim was the Wrong Choice for Legal Relief, by Ahtoosa Amini (PDF 156 KB)
- Out of "Control" Johnathan Jordan (PDF 206 KB)
Fall 2015
- Drug Design Liability: Farewell to Comment K, Henderson and Twerski, 67 Baylor L. Rev. 521 (PDF 293 KB)
- A Brief Response to "Drug Design Liability," Schwartz and Unni - 67 Baylor L. Rev. 559 (PDF 80 KB)
- The Accidental Abstention Doctrine by R.S. Radford and Jennifer Fry Thompson, 67 Baylor L. Rev. 567 (PDF 406 KB)
- Discovery Sharing in Texas: Litigant Confidentiality v. Litigation Costs, Dustin B. Benham, 67 Baylor L. Rev. 622 (PDF 485 KB)
- Take a Second-Look at Liquidated Damages in Texas (Regardless of What the Texas Supreme Court Says), Trey Qualls, 67 Baylor L. Rev. 666 (PDF 331 KB)
- Risky Business: How an Employee's Awareness of a Risk Can Destroy an Employer's Duty in Non-Subscriber Litigation, Danielle Taylor, 67 Baylor L. Rev. 699 (PDF 260 KB)
- CTS v. Waldburger: A Trend Toward Strict Construction of CERCLA? Matthew Coolbaugh, 67 Baylor L. Rev. 721 (PDF 204 KB)
Spring 2015
- Texas Turns a Corner: Resolving Shareholder Disputes in Closely Held Businesses After Ritchie v. Rupe by Lyndon Bittle and Kelli Hinson (PDF 668 KB)
- Rule 23(f): On the Way to Achieving Laudable Goals, Despite Multiple Interpretations by Tanner Frankin (PDF 316 KB)
- Security Deposit Reform: To Prove Protection for Those Who Protect Us by Stephen L. Harmel, Jr. (PDF 235 KB)
- Cured but Unemployed by Claire Neill (PDF 287 KB)
- Did Texas Get It Wrong? by Megan A. Nelson (PDF 198 KB)
- DISH Network vs. The Entertainment Industry: How the "AutoHop" Litigation Has Chilled Technological Advancement by Katie Wolters (PDF 313 KB)
Winter 2015
- A Refusal to Change Despite All the Evidence, by Ben Evans (PDF 217 KB)
- Correcting a False Step: Rethinking Overhead for The "Actual Expenses" Affirmative Defense to the Texas Construction Trust Fund Act, by Wayne R. Barnes (PDF 469 KB)
- Disputing the Boundary of the Declaratory Judgments Act, by Philip Thomas Segura (PDF 225 KB)
- Predictability in the Law, Prized Yet Not Promoted: A Study in Judicial Priorities, by Kem Thompson Frost (PDF 2.1 MB)
- The Effectiveness of Water Recycling Efforts by the Texas Railroad Commission, by Lauren Jaynes (PDF 264 KB)
- The Unconstitutional Use of Restraints in Removal Proceedings, by Fatma E. Marouf (PDF 648 KB)
Fall 2014
- Edwards Aquifer Authority v. Day and Bragg - Predictions on Their Effects for Regulatory Takings Claims for Groundwater Used in Oil & Gas Operations, by Christopher S. Kulander (PDF 525 KB)
- To File (Again) or Not to File (Again): The Post-Morgan Circuit Split Over the Duty to File an Amended or Second EEOC Charge for Claims of Post-charge Employer Retaliation, by Lawrence D. Rosenthal (PDF 612 KB)
- Bad Tax Shelters - Accountability or the Lack Thereof: Ten Years of Tax Malpractice, by Jacob L. Todres (PDF 1.0 MB)
- What's In a Claim?: Utilizing the Bankruptcy Conduct and Pre-Petition Relationship Tests to Evaluate Existing Claims Against a Terminated Filing Entity, by Aimee Raimer (PDF 254 KB)
- Having Your Cake and Eating It Too: Post-Contract-Formation Fraud, by Oliver Thoma (PDF 315 KB)
- When Legal Fiction Met Common Sense: How the Court in Morrison v. Campbell Said What Everyone Was Thinking, by Jeremy Walter (PDF 280 KB)
Spring 2014
- Controlling Students and Teachers: The Increasing Constriction of Constitutional Rights in Public, by Amanda Harmon Cooley (PDF 454 KB)
- The Misuse of History: Conspiracy and the Guantanamo Military Commissions, by David Glazier (PDF 654 KB)
- The Unconstitutionality of the Close the Contractor Fraud Loophole Act of 2008, by Cliff Holmes (PDF 187 KB)
- Public Policy Considerations Concerning Insurance Bad Faith and Residual Market Mechanisms, by Chad G. Marzen (PDF 289 KB)
- No Medical Insurance? Hey That's Good for Plaintiffs: A Defendant's Analysis of Haygood v. Escabedo, by Seth Burt (PDF 293 KB)
- Should I Stay or Should I Go? A Practitioner's Guide to the Fifth Circuit's Specific and Unequivocal Retention Standard Under Bankruptcy Code 11 U.S.C. § 1123, by John W. Busch (PDF 259 KB)
Winter 2014
- Penn Central and its Reluctant Muftis, by Steven J. Eagle (PDF 605 KB)
- Minimal Relevance: Non-Disabled Replacement Evidence in ADA Discrimination Cases, by Craig Robert Senn (PDF 566 KB)
- Specialty Courts, Ex Parte Communications, and the Need to Revise the Texas Code of Judicial Conduct, by Brian D. Shannon (PDF 427 KB)
- A Need for Clarity: Assisted Reproduction and Embryo Adoption in Texas, by Michael D. Ellis (PDF 268 KB)
- Miranda: Efficacy, the "Question First, Warn Later" Approach, and Special Populations, by Adam Herron (PDF 292 KB)
- In re Villarreal: A Possible Ray of Light for Creditors in Texas?, by Kathryn Gotcher Michaelis (PDF 244 KB)