Post an open position for Baylor Law students or Baylor Lawyers
Our students and recent graduates are eager to put their rigorous Baylor Law training into practice.
If you are hiring—for traditional associate and summer positions, remote positions, or short-term projects—we will help you find a qualified Baylor Law student or Baylor Lawyer.
There are several ways you can share your open positions with Baylor Law:
- Click here to post a job on 12twenty, Baylor Law's online career services platform (preferred);
- Click here to fill out the simple online form; or
- Email or call 254.710.1851.
Please note that Baylor Law is a member of a consortium of law schools that share job posting information through the Intercollegiate Job Bank maintained by Brigham Young University Law School. We send our postings to BYU twice a month. If you do not want your advertised job position to be shared, please mark your contact information as "private," check the appropriate box in the job posting form, or include this information in your email.
Note to Employers: Symplicity to 12twenty
As of January 1, 2024, Baylor Law has replaced Symplicity with 12twenty, an alternative career services platform. The Career Development Office invites all employers to register for 12twenty by creating an account here. You must have a 12twenty account to post jobs and participate in Baylor Law's interview programs.
Please contact the CDO if you have any questions.