Law School Printer Locations
Printer & Scanner Locations Have Been Impacted by the Ongoing Renovations at the Law Center
PC and Printer Locations as Of August 28, 2024:
Library Circulation Desk (First Floor)
- 4 PCs
- Law-Circulation-A
- Law-Circulation-B
- Law-StudentLounge
- LEXIS Student Lounge
Library Copy Room (First Floor)
- Copier (pay-per-sheet)
Library Reserve Room (First Floor)
- Law-Student-Lounge B
Library Lab #201 (Second Floor, near stairs)
- 4 PCs
- Law-SSC-Lab-A
- Law-SSC-Lab-B
- Law-SSC-Lab-Color
- Scanner
Classroom Wing #235 (Second Floor)
- Law-2nd-Lockers-A
- Law-2nd-Lockers-B
- Law-2nd-Lockers-Color