U.S. Government Resources
- Catalog of U.S. Government Publications (CGP)
- CONGRESS.gov (formerly THOMAS) (U.S. Congressional and Legislative Information)
- Congressional Research Service (Selected Congressional Research Service Reports)
- Copyright.gov (Copyright information and laws)
- DATA.gov (Home of the U.S. Government's open data)
- data.census.gov (Census Bureau Data)
- Disability Resources (Access to information on disability-related programs, services, policies, laws, and regulations.)
- eBenefits (Benefit information for U.S. veterans)
- Federal Courts
- Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED)
- FOIA.gov (Website containing information about how to file a Freedom of Information Act request)
- GovInfo (Free public access to official publications from all three branches of the Federal Government)
- GPO Metalib (Federated search engine for U.S. Government databases)
- HealthCare.gov (Health insurance information)
- IdentityTheft.gov (Free, one-stop resource to help people fix problems caused by identity theft)
- Historical Congressional Documents (Library of Congress)
- Medicare.gov (Official online resource for Medicare)
- MedlinePlus (National Library of Medicine/National Institutes of Health)
- National Criminal Justice Reference Service
- National Technical Information Service (NTIS) (Government reports and information)
- Office of Justice Programs (USDOJ)
- Oversight.gov (Federal Inspector General Reports)
- Regulations.gov
- Science.gov (Authoritative U.S. government science information)
- Supreme Court of the United States
- United States Courts Opinions
- U.S. Energy Information Administration
- U.S. Food and Drug Administration
- U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
- USA.gov
Additional Online Resources:
- Congressional Research Service (CRS) Reports Database at the UNT Digital Library (Comprehensive collection of over 40,000 reports)
- Government Information Online (Free online information service supported by the Federal Depository Library Program and member libraries)