The Baylor Law School Intellectual Property Law Clinic
Operating in one of the most expensive and highly specialized areas of law, Baylor Law’s Intellectual Property Law Clinic helps enterprising inventors, budding businesses, and creative not-for-profit entities with patents, trademarks, and other intellectual property matters. As a pro bono clinic, clients pay no legal costs for services, while students receive valuable, hands-on experience in one of the profession’s most complex and fastest-growing arenas.
Founded by and under the supervision of Baylor Law School Professor Connie Nichols and adjunct Professor David Henry, the Clinic is authorized by the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO), making it one of roughly 45 in the nation and one of only 30 qualified to do trademark and patent services. The Baylor Law School Intellectual Property Law Clinic is one of only four authorized clinics certified for trademarks and patents in Texas.
IP Clinic clients are selected based on several factors, including financial need, the educational value to the students enrolled in the Clinic, and the potential impact of the invention on society. Once accepted into the Clinic, each client is assigned to a student or team of students overseen by a faculty member or supervising attorney.
Operating year-round, the IP Clinic serves as a clinic class for which students receive credit, doing the work they will one day perform as lawyers. With a limited license to practice before the USPTO, students counsel with clients, file copyrights, do patent and register searches, draft patents and trademarks, and build relationships with the very examiners they will meet in practice. As a result, participating students pursuing IP law find themselves considerably ahead of their peers.
With technology accelerating the speed at which creative ideas make their way to market, intellectual property protection grows ever more critical. Baylor Law’s Intellectual Property, Law & Entrepreneurship Clinic operates on the leading edge of this vital field, creating exciting opportunities for students and businesses alike.
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