Confirm Practice Exam Submitted
It's easy to confirm that your Practice Exam has been submitted successfully. Just follow these steps:
- Open Exam4 and click "Select existing exam"
- Choose Your Exam: A list of all exams taken on your laptop will appear. Select the exam you’re checking and click the [View Exam Submittal Receipt] button.
- Verify Submission: A window will appear with the message "Exam Submittal Successful" at the top. Below this, you’ll see a file name and timestamp. Here’s how to interpret the details:
- Filename: The first part is your exam number (e.g., F56839), followed by the date code (e.g., 180122, meaning January 22, 2018), and the exam name (e.g., W18PracticeExam).
- Additional Info: Ignore the extra numbers and text at the end (e.g., _NA_EXAM4FLASH_8653 - 0.xm3).
Submission Confirmation: If you see "Exam Submittal Successful," you’re all set! Your practice exam has been submitted to the server. If you don’t, visit the IT Help Desk in the Student Success Center for help.
Remember to submit your practice exam before the deadline to ensure it's received!